Historique (sms)
Le premier SMS aurait été envoyé le 3 décembre 1992 par Neil Papworth, ingénieur anglais de Sema Group, de son ordinateur à un téléphone mobile sur le réseau GSM de Vodafone au Royaume-Uni. Il était adressé à ses collègues chez Vodafone et le texte était: "MERRY CHRISTMAS". Cet article de la BBC est intéressant car jusqu'à présent, d'autres sources s'accordaient sur la date du premier SMS, mais le nom de l'ingénieur et la teneur de ce premier message étaient toujours inconnus.
Bien qu'à l'origine uniquement destiné à transmettre des messages de service provenant de l'opérateur téléphonique, dans le système GSM dont il est issu, le minimessage est rapidement devenu un moyen de communication très populaire chez les jeunes Européens. Pourtant c'est seulement 7 ans après que cette nouvelle forme de communication est devenue populaire.
Why did it take so long? Because for the first 7 years, cell phone users could only send an SMS to someone using the same operator. It wasn't until 1999 that short messages could be sent between different networks.
According to Andrew Bud, managing director of SMS transmission company mBlox, interviewed in the BBC, texting really only took off when it found its natural market — teenagers —attracted to pre-paid phones. "These pay-as-you-go users found their money went further with texting - which some networks originally neglected to charge for".
The technology was actually created by an Anglo-Dutch information technology firm called CMG, as reported in The Guardian.
According to Cor Stutterheim from CMG, "It started as a message service, allowing operators to inform all their own customers about things such as problems with the network. When we created SMS (Short Messaging Service) it was not really meant to communicate from consumer to consumer and certainly not meant to become the main channel which the younger generation would use to communicate with each other," added Stutterheim.
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